The five senses are the faculties that sense the outside world. Among them, they say, the sense of smell is the only one that is linked to instinct. The scent of Japanese trees has been deeply rooted in the lives of Japanese people since ancient times, and it still soothes people's souls. The impetus for this project came from the desire for more people to experience KITOWA's products, which feature fragrances that are etched in our genes. We wish to deliver visually perceptible scents to people around the world, transcending national borders and cultural barriers. We will express, through digital art, various imaginary landscapes evoked by fragrance and convey the value of fragrance, visualizing the world of KITOWA.
KITOWA Brand Story
Since ancient times, Japan’s trees have given off a dignified, beautiful appearance.
Their rich aroma invites a superior and sophisticated space. Enjoy a lavish experiencesimilar to nestling close to characteristic Japanese trees and taking deep breaths on adaily basis.
凛として美しい佇まいの日本の木々のみずみずしさを軸に、日本を代表するパフューマー(調香師)が 粋を結集した創香は、他には無い上質で洗練された空間へと誘います。

3 roots
produced in Mie Prefecture
“Hinoki” (Japanese cypress) is known for its rich aroma and as one of Japan's finest building materials. It has been used in the "Sengu" ceremony held at Ise Jingu Shrine in Mie Prefecture every 20 years as the most significant Shinto ritual to rebuild the shrine pavilions. The beautiful, translucent white bark is a characteristic of this wood, and in recent years it has been used as a material for fragrances in Europe and the United States. The name "Hinoki" has begun to spread around the world.
produced in Aomori Prefecture
“Hiba” (Japanese Thujopsis) is a coniferous tree indigenous to Japan. Its warm fragrance characterizes Hiba, and they say that the scent of Hiba is gentle to people and has a hidden effect of relaxing and relieving stress.
Aomori Hiba (Japanese Thujopsis in Aomori Prefecture) is said to be one of Japan's three most beautiful tree species, along with Kiso Hinoki (Japanese cypress in Nagano Prefecture) and Akita Sugi (Japanese cedar in Akita Prefecture). Like Hinoki, it is durable, and Aomori Hiba is also used as a building material in Chuson-ji Temple in Hiraizumi, which is part of the World Heritage Site.
produced in Yakushima Island
“Kusunoki” (camphor tree) sometimes grows over 30 meters and is sometimes referred to as a sacred tree because of its enormous size. It has a cool, refreshing fragrance, perfect for a tropical tree. Camphor, a crystalline perfume extracted from Kusunoki, from Kagoshima Prefecture, is famous for being of the highest quality. One theory is that the name "Kusunoki" comes from the name "Kusuri-no-ki" ("Tree of medicine") because of its pain-relieving and insect-repellent effects.

Nozomi Yuasa is a Japanese illustration artist based in New Zealand specializing in watercolor painting, digital painting and animation. She has breathed life into some of the must-know names in fashion and beauty right now, including BVLGARI, FENDI, Repetto PARIS. Her talent has been recognized by WWD, VOGUE, NUMERO among many international magazines. Her watercolor paintings and illustrations reflect the seasons around her life in New Zealand and Tokyo. They also allow her to slow down and take time to reconnect with the beauty of nature as well as the small things in life.
東京都出身。武蔵野美術大学油絵科中退後、ファッションスタイリストアシスタントを経てPR 会社に勤務。2013年イラストレーターとして独立後は水彩絵の具や万年筆を使用した繊細で女性らしいファッショナブルなイラストが評判となり、雑誌や書籍をはじめ国内外の様々なブランドとのコラボレーションを展開。植物などの素材とイラストを組み合わせたミクスドメディアアートの制作にも精力的に取り組み、高い評価を得ている。またデジタルアートも得意とし、近年では国内外のブランドとのアニメーション制作にも携わり、2019年からはNewZealandへ活動拠点を移し世界的に活躍の場を広げている。

When I lit the KITOWA INCENSE STICK for the first time, I was captivated by its delicate and profound fragrance and noble presence. The space filled with the beautiful aroma and faint scent of smoke stimulated my senses. It was a mysterious experience, like being lured to some faraway place surrounded by silence.
Foggy Bridge
When I put a few drops of BATH ESSENSE in the warm bathtub, the rich aroma of Japanese wood spread through the steam, and it was as if I had wandered into a misty forest.
I drew a scenery that came to me from the depths of my memory―a small river running through a deep forest and a small bridge over it.
In To The Nature
Every time I took a deep breath surrounded by the spectacular and rich fragrance of the Japanese trees, it brought back memories of days spent in nature.
The trees change their looks from season to season, and their fragrance never fails to inspire me.